Friday, March 15, 2013


Women are so strong, compassionate, complex, capable.  We are mothers.  We are wives.  We are friends.  We are workers, artists, caregivers...For thousands of years, in every state and country and continent, women have shared common goals, roles, burdens, and joys.

I wonder where the world would be if women consistently supported each other and mentored each other...Not just when the teacher or the church or the tv camera are watching, but all the time. 

Too often, a spirit of competition dominates female relationships, and I wonder how all of our lives would improve if we chose to lift each other up, love each other, be there for each other instead of looking for ways to tear each other apart.  Imagine how our children would benefit and thrive if we helped each other raise babies.  What if we said "Can I help?"  or "Do you know what trick I use for that?"  or just said "You're doing a great job!  You're a great mom!" instead of raising eyebrows and comparing notes about when our children reached milestones, how much we spent on our nurseries, or what preschools our children were admitted to?!?

At Baby Vie, one of our fondest goals from the start has been to support other women and mothers.  We seek handmade goods like hand knit diaper covers and home made hair bows.  We stock handmade sock monkeys and handcrafted jewelry, onesies with hand cut appliques, and upcycled furniture.  Our walls are graced by the art of our local female "Artist of the Month," and we regularly host trunk shows for women starting their own businesses and open our store for classes taught by women who want to start modeling schools or health education courses.


These women are beautiful in their creativity and their strength as they balance businesses with the care of their little ones and sick parents and volunteer obligations.  Their products make our store unique and fun to shop in.  Their presence in the store makes our jobs more fun and interesting and rewarding.  They are truly our friends, and we hope we can promote and support them and many more new vendors in the future. 

If you recognize yourself in a "Mean Girls" character, maybe it's time to reconsider your female relationships...time to honor our womanhood and lift each other up without judgement or jealousy.  And if you need to take a break from your neighborhood "Mean Girls," come visit us at Baby Vie!  We can't wait to meet you!

Two of my new favorite quotes are in one great article.  Click HERE to read the Forbes article I love so much!
Quote #1:  “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”  --Madeleine Albright
Quote #2:  Isn’t it about time women stopped undermining each other and started thinking of other women as allies?
~ Lisa Quast

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