Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Somewhere in Escondido, there's a house called Hidden Valley House where victims of domestic and sexual violence can go when they flee their abuser.  Sometimes, they're alone.  Often, they have children in tow.  They may only own the clothing they're wearing, and their children may not have a clean diaper to change into.  They are safe.  They are brave.  They are in need.  In our neighborhood, there's an auxiliary that tries to help raise funds and supplies for the Hidden Valley House, and Baby Vie is a collection spot for donations. 
A couple days ago, the auxiliary representative came in to collect a box of donated baby and maternity clothes, and she mentioned that last week a very pregnant woman came into the house with nothing at all for herself or her baby.  At a time when most moms have the luxury of living in a safe home where they're putting the final touches on their nursery decor, this brave mother found herself in temporary housing with no clothes, no diaper bag, no diapers...And I cannot imagine that.  This lady I've never met would not leave my heart all week. 
I am one person.  One person of no significant wealth or fame or clout in the world.  I own a tiny store that hides in the corner of a small strip mall.  Most people don't even know we're there.  But I believe that I can make a difference in the world.  Can I change the whole world?  Who knows.  The odds are not in my favor.  I can change some things though, and I try often...try hard and try often to change some things.  Owning the store gives me a bigger voice and a larger audience than I would normally have, and I do use Baby Vie to raise money for childhood cancer research, to collect baby clothes for Gently Hugged, and to garner support and donations for Hidden Valley House. 
As we head into the holiday season, my heart aches knowing that people will continue to arrive in Hidden Valley House regardless of the date on the calendar.  Children will be poor and scared instead of wonder filled and spoiled on Christmas morning.  So during our Holiday Kickoff Happy Hour on Friday from 4:00-7:00 p.m., we will be collecting donations for the Hidden Valley House.  Every person who donates will receive a raffle ticket.  They can use that ticket to "bid" on the prize they want to win, and the raffle prizes are great!  Many local businesses like Yanni's Bistro, Brueggers Bagels, Ultralux and more have donated generously.  I hope our donors are generous and go home happy whether from raffle winnings, fun with Christmas carols, strong cocktails, or the joy of giving.  And I really hope that collectively, a group of smallish someones from a little corner store make a difference in the lives of the brave, scared, hopeful people who are relying on us and others like us to be there when they need us.   
I read a quote from E.B. White today:  "I get up every morning determined both to change the world and to have one hell of a good time.  Sometimes this makes planning the day difficult."  Let's make our Happy Hour a successful marriage between changing the world and having a hell of a good time!   

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