Friday, May 18, 2012


Whether they sing or twirl or just stand there and stare out at the audience...Whether they do the steps perfectly or miss a cue...My kids make me cry with love and pride every time they step up to perform.

We almost forgot about the preschool Mother's Day program this year.  Jack and I skidded into a parking space and ran up to the picnic area as we realized all those moms were gathered in the yard for "Muffins for Moms."  He was able to line up and sing his songs to me.  I took this photo as he and his friend took turns pointing to us moms and saying "That's my mom!"  I hope he always says that with the same pride he has right now!

Last night, Krissy, being a big 5th grader this year, got to star in her school's Spring Sing.  She was so nervous about her solos and remembering her lines.  And she made me cry.  The whole thing made me cry...All those fresh spirits laying it all out for their audience, trying their hardest... missing notes on their recorders and forgetting the words to the songs yet keeping each of their parents' eyes and hearts wholly engaged and entranced by their performance. 

Thank you schools for giving us these performances...these moments really are some of the best rewards of parenthood.

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