Tuesday, February 19, 2013


In San Diego it happens rarely, but today was cold, windy, and wet.  Having discovered that sand in their toes brings smiles to their faces, we've been taking the kids to the beach lately.  When I woke up and saw the gloom, I knew our beach trip wasn't going to happen today, but 3 year old Dylan pulled his hood over his head and told me that we would put our shoes and socks on and pull our hoods up and go anyway!  It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes, "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

While I used to dance...even considered  trying it professionally at one point, it's been a LONG time since I've danced in public, much less in the rain!  Today's mission, find a new way to "dance." In our hearts.  In our nice dry house.

Let me be clear, I am the farthest thing from an artist you will ever meet.  I literally cannot even draw a stick figure.  But I am on a personal quest to insert beauty into my world and fun into our lives and head off to Michael's to buy art supplies.

I put a plastic tablecloth down and opened the box of paints and clay and paper and "blank" bobbleheads and glue, and the kids came running like moths to the light.  And they danced.

Each of their little lives will be imperfect.  Each of them will have successes and failures.  Sunny days and storms to survive.  I just hope they can remember that without the rain, there wouldn't be any rainbows, and sometimes, you've gotta' just put that hood up, face that rain, and do a little dance.

 This little number is called the "Sunshine Shift" by La Petite Couture, and the shipment of these dresses arrived at Baby Vie late this afternoon.  I choose to believe it was a friendly little reminder that every storm passes, and we will be seeing that sunshine soon.  Just keep dancing.  Just keep dancing.  Just keep dancing...

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