Saturday, February 16, 2013


This "lucky mama" necklace by Beth Quinn Designs is one of my favorite products in Baby Vie right now.  Since I loved it so much, it became my Valentine's gift from my family.  For me, it's reminiscent of all the times I've hugged Dylie close and told him "I am such a lucky mom."  Or the sweet afternoons when I pick Jack up from kindergarten, and as he hugs his face into my knee, I say (and mean) "I'm so lucky to be your mom."  When I find things like this for the store, my sincerest hope is that they will make someone else light up with recognition of something that makes them happy.  A person.  A dream.  A memory.  A love.  Not just a necklace or a bracelet or a platter anymore, it becomes a symbol and a souvenir of happiness, and I love being a part of that journey and that joy.

Spend some time in Baby Vie when you have a chance...Spend time reading the inscriptions on the bracelet cuffs, sniff the candles, stroke the blankets.  Somewhere in the nooks and crannies, wooden crates and seagrass baskets, I hope you find a something you will treasure and enjoy as much as I love my necklace.

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