Sunday, February 17, 2013


Our day started with Kensie smacking Mike in the wake him up.  It went downhill from there.  Screaming, crying, fighting, repeat...Again and again until my head was about to explode.  So I made them all get dressed, even the 12 year old who wants to do nothing but sit in a bathrobe reading a fantasy novel day in and day out, and I took them to the beach in Del Mar.

Kensie hasn't spent much time at the beach in her lifetime, and she wasn't sure what to think about the sand in her socks and sandals.

It didn't take long to lose a sandal...and the bad attitude.  Who can stay cranky with a diaper full of sand and the sun shining on their nose?

The kids "built" a sand playground complete with slides and chairs, and they want to know if we can go back tomorrow.  I think I'll order sand toys and bathing suits for the store sooner rather than later and make sure we keep those smiles coming. 

I really don't think there's any problem in the world you won't feel better about after spending some time with sand in your toes, sun in your eyes, and waves crashing in your ears.

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